Friday, April 3, 2009

Kya gave herself a haircut!

I know that most mothers dread the day that their daughter decides to give themselves a hair cut. One of Kya's classmates cut her hair short in a cute bob this week. So Kya decided she wants short hair too. I think she realized that she had made a mistake with her first snip cause she came right down stairs crying to me telling me that she couldn't go to school or church anymore because people would laugh at her. Luckily, her hair is so curly that you can hardly notice. It just doesn't go in the ponytail like it use to. It could have been worse and best of all, I don't think she will try this again.


Justine said...

Oh my gosh!!! Yeah it could have been way worse. Our poor curly headed kids. They want hair like the white kids huh. Kamden still tries to spike his hair every morning. LOL

Brooke said...

Oh fun! Where's the picture? Bryn cut her hair 2 years ago. It is now grown out. Kids are so cute and fun!! What do you do? Enjoy every minute of them!