~Most of us have children and most of us are blessed to have good health. If you do not have good health, than you can probably empathize with her situation. This is from a friend of mine that I have known most of my life. This is what she had to say.....
First of all I want to thank everyone for the well wishes, thoughts, prayers, ideas , etc. for my little JJ. For those of you that havent joined please join my group team JJ... I also ask that each of you PLEASE post info about JJ and his blog on your page, or send it in an email or in some way help me by getting the word out about his blog and situation. We need all the help that we can get. You may ask, Gee he is almost 3 and they knew he would need this surgery so why are they not prepared? well, for one I cannot work because JJ cannot go to day care, he really doesnt go much of anywhere.. with his liver right under the surface of the skin and protruding like it does, it would be life threatening if he were to get injured before we can get the surgery done.. The other reason is that he was on Medicaid.. well we only found out in May that they were dropping him due to the fact that we have "access" to other insurance through Johns work.. Well, that being said, only a portion will be covered, and it is a very expensive procedure.. we also have to come up with all of our travel costs to and from Seattle from Idaho which is a 12 hour drive, plus time off work, place to stay, meals etc. etc. as you can imagine this could be very costly.. When JJ was born and in the NICU the bill was over a million dollars so I imagine this will be expensive depending on how long he takes to recover and if he goes into the PICU or not. Anyways, Please do what you can to spread the word so that anyone who is able to donate in any way, big or small, they will.. every single penny counts.. AND means more than you know.. Thank you to those of you that have already donated.. it is so greatly appreciated...
JJ's blog is www.teamhelpjj.blogspot.com and there people can donate at the bottom of the page.. you can also go on your update status or "whats on your mind" button and type in the link www.teamhelpjj.blogspot.com and it will put it on your status and main page.. or you can always just forward the info in an email to your contacts in your email..
If any of you have any other ideas let me know..
thanks so much again and again... <3
` and just think after July if we get to go ahead with this.. you won't be bugged with anymore of this stuff from me !! love to you all~
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