I always find myself stumped on that question. I know what I enjoy (children, talking, dancing) but are they really talents? So I just spent the day refinishing some old furniture and I realize that I have a talent there! Silly as it seems that I would find that exciting but as most of you know my dad was very talented at things like this so I like to think that I got it from him. I also have found it a way to make some extra cash. Last summer I made over $1000 on getting nasty old furniture and making it nice. I bought this dresser for $5 and with a little paint and new hardware I sold it for $200 and the headboard I bought $1 and sold it for $20. GOOD TIMES!
5 years ago
I love it!!! That is a talent I wish I had. Good job Amber!!
Yes! You are talented. Good job.
OMGoodness Girl, those pieces look wonderful! Good job. You've inspired me to sell all my junk and make some extra doe.
Amber! I LOVE this talent of yours! I wish that I had this talent. I am going to stand by and admire. AND sign up for classes from you. So, when are you going to start teaching?
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