Monday, February 9, 2009

Happy Birthday Melanie

I am not sure how this happened but Melanie is now 35! We were just kids yesterday!?! She is one of my sweetest sisters and doesn't have a mean bone in her body. I love her so much and am so grateful that we came into this world at almost the same time. She is the closest thing I have to a twin. I know I am not far behind her so I will not give her a hard time on her age =) HAPPY BIRTHDAY MEL!


melanie said...

AHH. That was so nice. Thank you for this.. I love you so much and am so glad we are sisters.

Anonymous said...

yay! I love the pictures! Happy bday Mel. We all love and look up to you.

Brooke said...

Cute! You girls are best friends. I love it! I love that Mel does not have a mean bone in her body. Happy Bday Mel!